Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Join the environmental campaign! News icon

Teachers and students of the Department of Ecology, Heat Engineering and Labor Protection within the framework of the WORLD CLEANING DAY, which is organized by the public organization All-Ukrainian youth movement "Let's do it Ukraine". Invites everyone who is not indifferent to take part in this event in the following format:



1. Individual cleaning of the selected contaminated area.
2. Digital cleaning. Removing unnecessary information from your gadgets. This will relieve the burden of the database centers that require large amounts of energy to support.
3. Mapping. Installation of software for marking contaminated and clean areas.

The goal of the event is to save the planet from garbage!  Promotional video.


young academy 2021

Diploma I Art. for the report at the section "ecology and environmental protection", the All-Ukrainian scientific and technical conference of applicants for higher education and young scientists of the Young Academy - 2021, Art. gr. TZ01-20 Sobolevskaya Sofia. Presentation of the report on the link.


April 15 is the Day of Environmental Knowledge News icon

Ecology education is the necessary part of the harmonic ecological safety development of the society. That is why ecological upbringing and informing of public, training of highly educated specialists are the most important means of transformation for sustainable development of all countries in the world.

The Day of Environmental Knowledge is grave for people all over the world because it’s telling about safety live ways in future for everyone. Inoculation of ecological culture today is the guaranty of health preservation for future generation!

The aim of this poll is desire to attract attention to the importance of environmental knowledge and to find out how the population of the city is informed about points of ecology as a science and is interested to save proper environment for their own lives.

This video was collected and prepared by students of NMetAU Sobolevska Sophia (ТЗ01-20) and Skryaha Daniel (ХТ01-20)


Congratulations to the ETOP department on the victory! News icon

October 15-16, 2020 students of the department Naumenko Bogdan (ME13-15m) and Pasechnik Igor (EO01-16m) and teachers of the department associate professors Matukhno E.V., Radchenko Yu.N., Siberia A.V. took part in the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works "Innovative technologies for adapting industrial regions to climate change" within the framework of the International Forum "Eco Forum-2020" in Zaporozhye. Student gr. ME13-15m Naumenko Bogdan received a II degree Diploma and a cash prize from the organizers of the competition. Congratulations to Bogdan Naumenko and his supervisor, associate professor of the department Yuri Nikolaevich Radchenko with a victory! Thanks to Zaporizhzhya National University for organizing the competition!


Certificate News icon


State Examination

Carrying out of attestation examination of students of a specialty 101 - Ecology, correspondence form of training (gr. EO901) will take place on 10.06.20 at 10.00 in an auditorium. M811


Certificate "Leadership of the European Union in the mitigation of climate change" News icon

Master students of specialty 101 "Ecology" of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine received certificates of attendance at the European Union Leadership in Mitigation of Climate Change training module, created during the EUClim project, which was carried out during 2015-2018 Jean Monnet Modules (Erasmus +). This module is part of the discipline "Sustainable development in industry", which was introduced into the composition of the master's educational programs NMetAU in the framework of the project HETES (2013-2017, the program TEMPUS).


Congratulations to the winners! News icon

April 22-24, 2019 in Odessa took place the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the specialty "Ecology", field of knowledge 10 - Natural Sciences, attended by the students of NMetAU Ivaninova Ekaterina and Vladimir Perepelitsa under the direction of associate professor Matukhno Elena. According to the results of the Olympiad, Ekaterina Ivanilova received a diploma of the winner of the II degree; Vladimir Perepelitsa also showed a high level of knowledge and training, thanks to which the team NMetAU (Ivanilova K., Perepelitsa V.) took the III command position. Congratulations to the winners! Proud of their success! We wish you interesting diploma and further success in professional matters!
Thanks to the Odessa State Ecological University for a warm welcome and sincere Odessa hospitality!


Congratulations News icon

Congratulations to the assistant professor of the ETOP department Matukhno Elena Viktorovna with the receipt of the certificate of the environmental auditor (Certificate EA № 233. Order of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine No. 452 dated December 26, 188). We wish you further professional development and growth!


DIPLOMA News icon

Congratulations to the winner of the 2nd stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on the subject "Ecological Safety" student of the ETOP Ivanilova Katerina  (EO01-15) and its head assistant professor. Matukhno O., which took place in the Kremenchuk National University named M. Ostrogradsky


Акредитаційна експертиза освітньо-професійної програми «Промислова теплотехніка» зі спеціальністі 136 «Металургія»

Download the Experts' report about accreditation of educational-professional program “Industrial heat technology” of the specialty 136- “Metallurgy”:     REPORT


news News icon



Download the Experts' report about accreditation of educational-professional program “Ecology” of the specialty 101 - “Ecology”:     REPORT




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