Congratulations to the winners!

April 22-24, 2019 in Odessa took place the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the specialty "Ecology", field of knowledge 10 - Natural Sciences, attended by the students of NMetAU Ivaninova Ekaterina and Vladimir Perepelitsa under the direction of associate professor Matukhno Elena. According to the results of the Olympiad, Ekaterina Ivanilova received a diploma of the winner of the II degree; Vladimir Perepelitsa also showed a high level of knowledge and training, thanks to which the team NMetAU (Ivanilova K., Perepelitsa V.) took the III command position. Congratulations to the winners! Proud of their success! We wish you interesting diploma and further success in professional matters!
Thanks to the Odessa State Ecological University for a warm welcome and sincere Odessa hospitality!
Department of Ecology, Heat Engineering, Occupational Safety and Health