#1, 2020
Title (ktmp_11706.pdf 1205 kb)
Content (ktmp_2651.pdf 580 kb)
Yershov S., Levchenko G., Wu Kaiming, Zhou Wen, Ke Rui The development of a new deformation regime for microstructure refinement in solid railway axles by hot deformation optimization (ktmp_12739.pdf 1829 kb)
Projdak Yu., Manidin V., Isaeva L., Kamkina L., Bezshkurenko O. Microalloying of low carbon steel with boron and a method for determining the effective concentration of dissolved boron (ktmp_8648.pdf 1067 kb)
Matukhno E., Belokon K., Baranova T., Romanko Y. Improving the environmental component of sustainable development of metallurgical enterprises through the implementation of the best available technologies (ktmp_10519.pdf 941 kb)
Velychko O., Du Yunshen, Mianovska Y., Kamkina L., Ankuninov R. Physical and chemical bases of decarburization of high-carbon ferromanganese melt (ktmp_5366.pdf 1290 kb)
Chuprinov E., Lyalyuk V., Zhuravlev F., Kassim D., Lyakhova I. The potential of using of alkaline earth bentonite clays of Ukraine in the production of iron ore pellets (ktmp_10973.pdf 1211 kb)
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