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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Ukrainian Olympiad "Metallurgy"

Ukrainian Olympiad "Metallurgy"

The Department of TM and West held the second round of Ukrainian Student Olympiad "Metallurgy". In the competition involved the best students 4 and 5 courses that are taught at the department, namely Gerasimenko A.U. (ME03-11-M) Sinitsyn J.S. (ME03-11-M) Chabanenko M.Y. (ME03-11-M), Kamkin V.U. (ME03-11-M), Ivanov B.N. (ME03-12) Dzyuzyura R.O. (ME03-12) Rosenberg A.S. (ME03-12) Statsenko A.A. (ME03-12) Kulchytska A.A. (ME03-12).
Winners Contest Round I:
1st place - Olesya S. Rosenberg, ME03-12
2nd place - Bohdan M. Ivanov, ME03-12
3rd place - Ruslan O. Dzyuzyura, ME03-12,
Kulchytska Olga, ME03-12,
recommended for participation in the II round of competition.
Congratulations on your victory and wish new achievements!


Department of Theoretical Basis of Metallurgical Processes