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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Workshop “University leadership in the transition towards Industry 4.0”, 17-18/02/2021

  The workshop “University leadership in the transition towards Industry 4.0” is organized by HEIn4 team and has the following objectives:

- to bring the hands-on experience in re-setting the training towards new technology challenges;

- to ensure the further acceptance of taught courses by business and academia;

- to share the acquired knowledge within and beyond the HEIn4 consortium.

 The workshop will be organized as a publically open event and held on the Zoom platform. Anyone interested in the topic of the workshop are welcome to participate and contribute.

Workshop programme

Date and time of workshop: 17 лютого 2021 р. об 10:00 за київським часом

Participation in the workshop by the link (

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The 1st day will be focused on the pedagogic/didactic issues of engineering education in the context of Industry 4.0, university-industry collaboration in education of and lifelong learning education, entrepreneurship of engineers and training of managers in the Industry 4.0 epoch.

The 2nd day will be devoted to the presentations and discussions of the new discipline to be developed and taught later at each university partner from Georgia and Ukraine and discussions of the concepts and role in training activities of Virtual Factory Learning Labs to be established in frames of HEIn4 project.

Documents, methodological and informational materials of the webinar can be found on the website of HEIn4 project

