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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

New autumn semester of professional education and social adaptation of military personnel started in NMAU in the framework of the project "Ukraine-Norway"

On September 20 at the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine launched the autumn semester of professional education and social adaptation of military personnel, ATO participants and their families within the framework of the Ukraine-Norway project.

34 people are involved in training for the specialty "Energy Management" course. At the opening of semester the participants of the new course became acquainted with the project and trainers who will helps to master a new profession and overcome together the joys and difficulties of study.

During 3 months students will receive practical and theoretical skills for decent employment or starting their own business.


The graduate of the first semester Alexander Vodolazskiy, Director of CE "Komungospservis", the Deputy of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Council shared his experience of participation in the program with new listeners.

After completing the courses trainers will provide graduates with comprehensive support in job seeking and social adaptation during a year.

The new courses will last until the end of December 2018.

After finishing the program, students will receive 4 documents:

• Certificate of professional retraining in the direction "Electricity Engineering", course “EnergyManagement”;

• Joint certificate of NMetAU and Nord University (Norway);

• Joint diploma of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense of Norway;

•Certificate on the course "Energy Management"

 Dear military, we sincerely wish you inspiration, diligence and success in your studies!

 Reference: "Ukraine-Norway" project is implemented with the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in partnership with NMAU, Nord University, International Fund for Social Adaptation and Charity Foundation "Heritage of Ukraine".

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