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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Results of the Student Olympiad QForm-2019

Results of the Student Olympiad QForm-2019

On April 19, 2019, the next (fourth) All-Ukrainian Olympiad on technological preparation of production, hot forging and extrusion took place. As in previous years, the organizer was the Department of Metal Forming named Acad. A.P. Chekmareva of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine.


According to the organizers and participants, it was more than successful. It was attended by 12 students from 5 leading universities, namely:

  • National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (Department of Metal Forming named Acad. A. P. Chekmarev), Dnipro;
  • National Technical University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute. I. Sikorsky ”(Department of Mechanics of Plasticity of Materials and Resource-Saving Processes), Kiev;
  • National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute" (Department of Metal Forming), Kharkov;
  • Dneprovsky State Technical University (Department of Metal Forming named prof. B.M. Ilyukovich), Kamenskoe;
  • Donbass State Machine-Building Academy (Department of Computer Information Technologies), Kramatorsk.

The winners in 2019 are:

  • 1st place - Pavel Korobko - KPI, Kiev;
  • 2nd place - Smilyansky Alexander - KhPI, Kharkov;
  • 3rd place - Duvansky Alexander-KHPI, Kharkov.

What is characteristic and revealing is that Pavel Korobko, the winner of our last Olympiad (2018) and the winner of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in the specialty “Equipment and technologies for plastic molding of mechanical engineering designs” in the current 2019.
From the new, the organizers for themselves, in the first 4 years of the Olympics, checked the level of preparation of third-year undergraduate students in working with QForm and were pleasantly surprised.
The Department of Metal Forming NMetAU thanks QFX Simulations Ltd. for the opportunity to hold this event and looks forward to further cooperation.






























Department of metal forming