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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

MASTER CLASS «Informed search methods in artificial intelligence»

MASTER CLASS «Informed search methods in artificial intelligence»

MASTER CLASS  «Informed search methods in artificial intelligence» for Masters from groups: ЕК01-12, АВ01-12, КН01-12, and for all other students, young researchers and teachers.



 «Informed search methods

in artificial intelligence»


for Masters from groups:

ЕК01-12, АВ01-12, КН01-12,

 and for all other students, young researchers and teachers



Dr. Oscar Sapena Vercher,

Polytechnic University of Valencia,

Department of Computer Systems


Schedule (aud. 504):

13.03.2017  13-00

15.03.2017  13-00

20.03.2017  13-00

02.03.2017  13-00


­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­For participation in Master Class it is necessary to register inaud. 326 (Department of Еconomy Іnformatics),

orby tel.066-057-47-51,

orby е-mail:

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