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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

In memory of Oleksandr FELDMAN

In memory of Oleksandr FELDMAN

The Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies, the Nikopol Faculty and the Nikopol Professional College of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology announce with deep sadness that on October 22, at the age of 75, Oleksandr Isaakovich FELDMAN - a well-known Ukrainian metallurgist, Honored Worker of the Industry of Ukraine, General Director of LLC "NVO" died Trubostal" (Nikopol). An authoritative industrialist, manager, organizer and sponsor of scientific research in the field of metallurgy and pipe production, an outstanding social and public figure - this is how Oleksandr Isaakovich was remembered by everyone who knew him during his lifetime. Read more...


Brief biographical reference

Oleksandr Feldman began his career in 1967 as an apprentice blacksmith at the Nikopol South Pipe Plant, worked as the head of the technological bureau, the head of the shift, the head of the cold rolling laboratory group. In 1989, together with his colleagues, he founded "NVO Trubostal" LLC (Nikopol), which under his leadership became one of the leading enterprises in the pipe industry of Ukraine and a powerful manufacturer of unique products. Equally important is the fact that "NVO Trubostal" LLC is a prestigious employer and a solid customer for the training of specialists in the metallurgical industry.

At different times, more than 1,000 employees worked at the enterprise, the company continues its work even in these difficult days for Ukraine, and remains one of the largest taxpayers in the budget of the city of Nikopol.

Candidate of Technical Sciences Oleksandr Feldman is the author and co-author of about 100 inventions, patents and printed works. He constantly took an active part in the development of new types of production, made a significant contribution to the development of the country's pipe industry.

In 2009, he was awarded the Order of Merit III degree by the President of Ukraine. In 2010-2015, he was a deputy of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council of the 6th convocation. In 2016, he was awarded the Honorary Award of the Nikopol City Council "Honor and Glory" with the title "Honorary Citizen of the City of Nikopol". For many years, he has been the head of the Nikopol city-district public organization "Jewish Community", he was the vice-president of the Jewish Council of Ukraine...

Oleksandr Isakovich always took an active civic position, helping the needy, supporting the sports infrastructure of the city of Nikopol, the activities of the Nikopol Museum of Local History and numerous public organizations, helped in erecting monuments to fallen pipe miners, memorial plaques and signs, took a direct part in the preservation of the national monument meaning - the graves of I. Sirk.

The bright memory of Oleksandr Isakovich and his good deeds will forever remain in the history of the city of Nikopol, the history of the formation of the modern pipe industry in independent Ukraine.

Nikopol's Faculty (Nikopol sity)