Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Meeting of NMetAU students with Metinvest representatives

On October 11, 2019, a meeting of students with representatives of Metinvest, namely Zaporizhogneupor and ZAPOROZHKOKS, was held at NMetAU. Metinvest Group includes mining enterprises in Ukraine and the USA, producing iron ore and coking coal.

Metinvest is developing a corporate governance system, ensuring a fair distribution of performance results among all interested parties.

Representatives of Metinvest spoke about Metinvest’s strategic vision to become the leading integrated steel producer in Europe, showing steady growth and profit, regardless of the phase of economic cycles, and provides investors with investment returns higher than industry average.

The main goal of the meeting was to attract NMetAU students to M. Student Champ. Championship for solving cases in the metallurgical industry. This is an educational project for educational institutions at all levels of accreditation. The main goal is to strengthen interaction with educational institutions in order to update curricula and create favorable conditions for practical training of students.


To participate in the championship, teachers and students must choose a topic of interest to them and apply for participation. Each case will have a mentor (expert / consultant) from Metinvest. An individual schedule of work on the case, a plan of visits to enterprises, consultations with experts, lectures and trainings on relevant topics will be drawn up for teams. The final decisions will be evaluated by the panel of judges Metinvest, which will include leading experts, function directors and representatives of the company's top management.

Part of M. Student Champ is practical experience for students in solving real production problems, priority employment among all candidates, participation in educational and youth projects of Metinvest, valuable prizes from companies and many others.

The case solution is a great opportunity for students to practice their specialty and apply their knowledge in working on a real project.

Each year, about 4000 thousand university students undergo practical training at the enterprises of the Metinvest Group.

Demanded specialties for enterprises of the Metallurgy of ferrous metals group; Metal forming; Electric drive and automation; Automation of production processes The meeting was organized by the Vice-Rector for Research Yu.S. Proydak and employees of the Career Development Center.


Career Development Center