Center for Postgraduate Education and Staff Development

Director: Lyudmila Dushina
Address Center for Postgraduate Education and Staff Development NMetAU, av.Gagarin,4, 388, Dnipropetrovsk, 49000,Ukraine
Phone: (0562)47-44-97; 050-0836008
The Center for Postgraduate Education, Retraining and Advanced Training was created on the basis of the Faculty of Retraining Specialists and Advanced Studies.
It is a structural subdivision of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine - a state university of the IV level of accreditation.
During this period, 95 masters (of which 22 teachers) were prepared and graduated.Over the years of the Faculty's existence, more than 3 thousand specialists have been retrained, working in industrial enterprises,
banks, private firms, small business enterprises, etc.
Since 1987. to 1999g. Dean of the faculty was Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Teverovsky Boris Zakharovich, since 1999. - Ph.D., Assoc. Kremnev Vladimir Evgenievich,
and since 2009 the director of the Center was Dr.Sc., prof. Matveeva Marina Olegovna.
Educational plans for the upgrading of teachers' qualifications provide for psychological and pedagogical training in the amount of 60 hours, Ukrainian and foreign languages
(on professional lines), respectively, 20 and 30 hours; familiarization with modern teaching technologies, as well as vocational-oriented training
in educational areas. The total volume of individual plans is 320 hours.