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Dnipro Metallurgical Institute
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Belova Oksana Victorovna photo

Belova Oksana Victorovna

candidate of phys-math. science, assistant professor



Phone : 33-95

Room : 464, 326

O.V. Belova graduated from the DSU, Mechanics and Mathematics Department, the chair of Differential Equations in 1991. The theme of her diploma work was:" Teaching and supervisory programs in the course of the 10th and 11th forms of a secondary school".

She worked as a school teacher of Mathematics and Computer Science at the secondary school number 49 from 1991 till 2001.

She has been an assistant at the chair of High Mathematics at the NMetAU since 2002.

O.V. Belova entered the extra-mural department of a post-graduate course at the NMetAU on a speciality "Deformation's Mechanics of a firm body" in 2006. Her supervisor is A.V. Pavlenko, a DSc in Physics and Mathematics, a full professor. The theme of her researches is "Contact problems for orthotropik bodies with a curvilinear anisotropy".

Application of perturbation method at the decision of contact problems for bodies with a curvilinear anisotropy. The thesis for the Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

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