Fedorov Sergey Sergeevich
doctor of engineering's sciences, professor
E-mail: fedorov.pte@gmail.com
Phone : +38(056)3748289
Room : 103
Assosiate Professor, the candidate of engineering science. 1981 of birth. In 2003 has completed NMetAU on a speciality power system. In 2006 has defended the candidate dissertation on a theme "Pinch of efficiency of use of combustible in energy and technological units on the basis of the independent regenerative live steam heaters".
Disciplines, which reads in NMetAU:
1. Thermal mass exchange.
2. High-temperature thermal technological processes and installations.
3. Power system.
4. Bottom of designing and SAPR.
5. Thermal technical processes and installations.
6. Bottom energy saving.
Scientific interests:
Regenerative heat exchange in compact regenerative chambers, thermal operation mine calcareous of roaster furnaces, mathematical model operation of processes of heat exchange, optimization thermal technical of processes and installations.
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=QBLfMSQAAAAJ&hl=en
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergiy_Fedorov
Scopus Author ID: 55505831300