Department of Management and Administration

Department manager: Dmytro Kozenkov
Address Department of Management and Administration
Phone: (+38056) 3748326
A department is founded in 1935 and had the name "Department of organization and planning of production". The leaders of department have been associate professor Glikman E.S., professor Medvedev I.O., professor Bel'gol'skiy B.P., associate professor KotsyubA A.I., associate professor Ponomarenko V.A., professor Spasov A.A.
Professorial-teaching staff of management department: an associate professor Kozenkov D.E., professor Sharov Yu.P,, associate professor Ponomarenko V.A., associate professor Bogachova L.N., associate professor Bel'gol'skiy O.B, associate professor Gryadunova n.v., associate professor Rizun D.V., associate professor Pavlova I.V., associate professor Kovzel' A.S., associate professor Mironenko N.A., associate professor Lysenko T.I., associate professor Usicheno I.V. et al.
Modern directions of preparation of specialists (specialities and specializations).
A department conducts preparation of bachelors, specialists and master's degrees to direction 0502 Management on two specialities "Management of organizations" and "Management of foreign economic activity".
Under the direction of E.S.Glikman, B.P.Bel'gol'skiy, I.A. Medvedev, Kh.P.Zaytsev, E.M.Likhachev, A.I.Kotsyuba, A.A.Spasov, V.A.Ponomarenko, Yu.P.Sharov and other was executed researches on such directions as organization and planning of production in the basic and auxiliary workshops of metallurgical enterprises; organization, setting of norms and payment of labour; setting of norms of financial resources is in ferrous metallurgy; organization of repair economy, analysis and planning of unit cost in ferrous metallurgy, operative planning and management.
Presently priority directions scientific activity on a department it is been perfection of planning of activity of enterprises in the conditions of market economy, perfection of the system of acceptance of administrative decisions.
Major achievements in scientific and scientifically pedagogical activity (inventions, newest technologies, materials, equipment, monographs, textbooks, train aids, and others like that).
For years work of department with the vulture of Department of education of the USSR and Ukraine about 50 manuals were given out and train aids.
Practically on all disciplines which was read, a department had own manuals and train aids which was widely used in many metallurgical Institutes of higher of the USSR. Among them such as the "Technical setting of norms is in a martin production" (E.S.Glikman, Mcode, 1931); "Bases of the technical setting of norms" (E.S.Glikman, Mcode, 1931); "Technical setting of norms and organization of steel-smelting production" (E.S.Glikman, Mcode, 1932); "Organization of labour and planning of repairs on metallurgical enterprises" (E.S.Glikman, in a coauthor, Mcode, 1935); "Organization of production on metallurgical enterprises" (E.S.Glikman, Mcode, 1948); "Organizacia produkcij w hutnictwe" (E.S.Gl³kman, Warsaw, 1952); "The technical setting of norms is in metallurgical industry" (A.A.Spasov, in a coauthor, Kharkov, 1963); "Mathematical methods and COMPUTER in economic work on metallurgical enterprises" (A.A.Spasov, in a coauthor, Mcode, 1972); "Mathematical methods and EVM in economic work on metallurgical enterprises" (B.P.Bel'gol'skiy, L.M.Roytburd, R.S.Geyfman, S.M.Gridnev, I.A.Medvedev, A.A.Spasov Mcode, 1972); "Scientific organization of labour is in ferrous metallurgy (A.I.Kotsyuba, B.P.Bel'gol's'kiy, Mcode, 1973); "Ekonomika of repair economy of metallurgical factories" (Zaytsev Kh.P,, Fomenko M.I., Gaydarenko O.I., KotsyubA A.I., to To, 1974); "Tasks and exercises on organization and planning of metallurgical production" (I.A.Medvedev, E.S.Glikman, Mcode, 1975); "Organization and planning of production on metallurgical enterprises (in a coauthor with I.A.Medvedev, B.P.Bel'gol'skiy, E.S.Glikman, Kh.P.Zaytsev, to To, 1975); "Economy, organization and planning of production on the enterprises of ferrous metallurgy" (B.P.Bel'gol'skiy, T.G.Ben', S.E.Gershgorin, E.S.Glikman, Kh.P.Zaytsev, L.G.Ivanova, E.M.Likhachev, A.A.Spasov, B.P.Bel'gol'skiy, Mcode, 1973 and 2th edition, 1982); "Organization and planning of ferro-alloy production" (Medvedev I.A., V.I.Ignat'ev, Mcode, 1978); "Organization and planning of production in blast-furnace workshops and on agglofactories" (Kh.P.Zaytsev, E.S.Glikman, E.N.Volkova, to To, 1979); "Organization of labour and technical setting of norms on the enterprises of ferrous metallurgy (Medvedev I.A, A.A.Spasov, B.P.Bel'gol'skiy Mcode, 1981); "Organization and planning of production is in steel-smelting workshops" (Medvedev I.A, Mcode, 1983); "Ekonomiko mathematical methods and models in planning and management on metallurgical enterprises" (A.A.Spasov, V.V.Glukhov, Mcode, 1992); "Organization and planning of production is in thermal subsections" (A.A.Spasov, Yu.P.Sharov, to To, 1993); "Organization of repair of equipment on metallurgical enterprises" (B.P.Bel'gol'skiy, Aptekar' S.S., Vendrovim V.G. and other, to To. 1981); "Organization and planning of enterprises of ferrous metallurgy" (A.F.Mets, B.P.Bel'gol'skiy, F.I. Shchepilov, Mcode, 1982) and other
The results of researches of department were inculcated as instructions, norms, methods, methodical recommendations, ratified and given out former Ministry of ferrous metallurgy of Ukraine, and also used the employees of department at preparation more than 80 monographs and a few hundred scientific articles, printed in scientific magazines and collections.