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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Chemical literature


L.M. Klimashevski, T.A. Gribanova, L.G. Gerasimenko. “Chemistry. Problems, exercises”. Parts I and II: Text-book. - Dniepropetrovsk, NMetAU, 2006. – 103 p.

“Theoretic foundations of organic chemistry” for students in speciality – chemical technology and engineering. G.Yu. Samoylenko, L.G. Gerasimenko. - Dniepropetrovsk, NMetAU, 2006. –48 p.

Metodical indications for studying the branch of science “Chemistry”. Subject “Chemistry of s-elements” (interactive system) for students of all the specialities.

N.P. Rudenko, O.V. Kuzyutin. - Dniepropetrovsk, NMetAU, 2006. – 33 p.

L.G. Gerasimenko. “Chemistry”: Text – book. - Dniepropetrovsk, NMetAU, 2007. – 119 p.

N.P. Rudenko. “Proton theory of acids and bases”. - Dniepropetrovsk, NMetAU, 2007. – 32 p.

Methodical indications for carrying-out the work without assistance from the branch of science “Chemistry” (Section “Chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium”. L.Ye. Isaeva, I.Ye. Lev. - Diepropetrovsk, NMetAU , 2008 – 49p.

N.P. Rudenko. “Complex combinations. - Dniepropetrovsk, NMetAU, 2008. – 36 p.

Methodical indications for carrying-out the mork without assistance from the branch of science “Chemistry”. (Section “Energetics and probability of chemical interaction”). L.Ye. Isaeva, N.V.Dvornikova,  I.Ye. Lev. - Dniepropetrovsk, NMetAU, 2009. –29 p.

L.M. Klimashevski, T.A. Gribanova, I.Ye. Lev, L.G. Gerasimenko, L.A. Nikiforova, L.Ye. Isaeva. “Chemistry for metallurgists”: Manual. - Dniepropetrovsk, NMetAU, 2009. – 172 p.

New Publications - Методические указания к изучению дисциплины «Химия» (раздел «Химическая связь») для студентов всех специальностей /   Сост. Н.П.Руденко. - Днепропетровска: НМетАУ, 2010 - 42 с.

The Department of General and Organic Chemistry