Department of Foundry NMetAU - 75 years!
Congratulates the staff of the department:
Professor Valentin Sergeyevich Savegu the 75th anniversary of the birth (06/11/2012)
Professor Hrychikova Valeriy the 60-th birthday (13.08.2007)
Senior Lecturer Shapran Lyudmila Alexandrovna with the 50-th birthday (13.09.07)
Associate Professor of Menyailo Helen V. with a wonderful birthday - 30-th birthday (07/29/2010)
Associate Professor of Menyailo Helen V. with a wonderful birthday - 30-letiam birthday (07/29/2010)
Professor of Kalinin Basil T. with the 70-th birthday (08/09/2010)
Shubin Svetlana Anatolievna with the 65-th birthday (04/09/2010)
Professor of Sotsenko Oleg V. the 70-th birthday (22/10/2010)
Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine 75 YEARS
We congratulate: Rector of the Academy, representatives of industrial enterprises, universities and research institutes of the city, colleagues from Moscow, Zaporozhye, Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa, Lugansk, Dneprodzerzhinsk and other cities, as well as businessmen, scientists, engineers, technicians, working in different years at the Department of ...