Department of Electrical Engineering

Department manager: Nikolenko Anatoliy
Address 49600, Dnepropetrovsk, Gagarin ave. 4, lecture-hall 228a
Phone: (+38056)-3748184, (+38056)-3748446
Alternative homepage:
The department prepares masters and bachelors in the specialty 141 "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics" and educational and professional programs "Engineering of industrial electromechanical systems and electrotechnological complexes" (master's level) and "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics" (bachelor's level)
The teaching of professionally oriented disciplines, in addition to the Department of Electrical Engineering, is carried out by the Department of Automation of Production Processes. The total number of teachers taking part in this is 19, among them: 1 doctor of technical sciences, professor; 11 candidates of technical sciences, associate professors; 3 senior teachers; 4 assistants.
The department has a computer class (10 units), 5 educational laboratories and one lecture hall.