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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Andrii Grygorovych Monia photo

Andrii Grygorovych Monia

candidate of technical science, assistant professor



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Room : 396

A.G. Monia entered the Dniepropetrovsk State University in 1984 and has been called up for military service at the same year. He continued to study after his military service in 1986.

A.G. Monia graduated from the Dniepropetrovsk State University on the speciality "Manufacturing of Flying Devices" with honour and took up the post-graduate course at the Institute of Technical Mechanics of the NAS of Ukraine in 1992. He graduated from the course in 1996.

A.G. Monia has been working as an assistant at the chair of High Mathematics at the NMetAU since 1994. A.G. Monia defended a thesis on the theme "Basis and choice of the rational parameters of a disc braking operation of the mine diesel locomotive" in 2005. A.G. Monia has been working as a senior lecturer at the chair of High Mathematics at the NMetAU since 2006.

A.G. Monia has taken an active part in social life and public activity of the Academy, carried out the work on labour and moral-aesthetic education of the students since he began his work at the Academy. The students prepared by him take prize-winning places at the Students' Conference "Young Academy" and at the Olympiads in High Mathematics.

A.G. Monia takes part in the introduction of modern technologies of training in to the educational process and has 51 educational-methodical and scientific works.


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