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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Yasev Oleksandr Heorhiiovych photo

Yasev Oleksandr Heorhiiovych




Phone : 34-48

Room : 308

Scientific field: mathematical modeling  and optimization of parameters of technical systems.

More than 200 scientific articles, 40 methodical works (including compendium of lectures, 4 manuals, two with the vulture of Ministry of education and science of Ukraine).

Basic publications:

"Bases of mathematical modeling" (compendium of lectures);

"Accordance of mathematical models and technological processes in metallurgy and engineer" (monograph);

"Physical and mathematical theory of processes of treatment of materials and technology in engineer" (т.8 "Optimization of technological processes in engineer" (monograph).

Heads educational-scientific center. From 2004 manages work of scientifically-methodical council of academy (from 2016 - council of providing of quality of educational activity and preparation of specialists).

Breastplates "High Achiever of education of Ukraine", "Peter Mohyla" and "For the scientific achievements" by Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, sign of Head of Dnepropetrovsk administration "For development of region".

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