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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Core Group


Student Council Chairperson: 





Address:  room 252, 4 Gagarina av., NMetAU, Dnipro, Ukraine

Tel.:+380 (50) 745 82 42 





Korotun Daniil


Deputy Chairman of the Student Council of the Institute of Technical Education, Chairman of the Student Council of the Faculty of "Quality and Material Engineering".



Drahushchenko Oleksandra


First assistant to the chairman of the Student Council of the Institute of Technical Education, chairman of the Student Council of the Faculty of "Machine "Design and Environmental Protection".



Shatailo Veronika


Secretary of the Student Council.



Pianyk Oleksandra


Chairperson of the social department.





 Evenko Olga


Chairperson of the social department.



 Baranets Dmytro


Chairperson of the esports department.



 Komarova Anastasiia


 Chairman of the student government on organizational work.



Druchenskyi Yehor


Chairperson of the Student Council of the Metallurgical Faculty.



 Boiev Stanislav


Chairperson of the Student Council of the Faculty of Applied Computer Technologies.




Mokrianska Anastasiia


Chairperson of the department for work with foreign students.




Head of the student government of  Faculty of physical metallurgy and treatment of metals






Head of the student government of Humanities Faculty