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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies


Pro-rector on scientific work

Proydak Yuriy S.

Doctor of engineering science, professor, winner of the State Premium of Ukraine in the field of a science and engineering. Graduated from Dnepropetrovsk metallurgical institute (1974, metallurgiУal engineer). Pro-rector on scientific work (2001 - present time). Main directions of scientific and scientific-pedagogical work: theory of modification process of metal structure and second phase's formation control; thermodynamic and kinetic researches of crystallization in electromelting processes; physicochemical and thermodynamic analysis of slag grout for desulfurization of wheel steel. Has published more than 100 scientific works, including 12 copyright certificates and patents of Ukraine and Russia, 2 monographies, 3 manuals. Main works: "Регламентация серосодержащих включений при модификации углеродистой стали халькогенидами", "Электрошлаковый переплав - эффективная технология повышения качества колесного и подшипникового металла". Chairman of the specialized scientific council D.08.084.02 on protection of the doctor's and candidate dissertations.


Tel.: +38 (056) 374-84-00

Tel./Fax: +38 (056) 745-41-96



 vlasova_foto.jpg  Tatiana Vlasova 
Candidate of Technical Sciences. 
 Phone: (056) 374-83-96,  E-mail: 

Department Head, PhD 
Velikonska Nataliya
 Phone: (0562) 374-82-35,  E-mail:

 img_martunova_1.jpg Head of Sector, NIRS 
Martynova Larisa Zusevna 
 Phone: +38056-746-30-77


Head of Patent and License Department 

Ivchenko Alexandr V.

candidate of technical science, senior research worker



Phone: +38056-746-2088;

+38-050-342-32-08; +38068-787-6078