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Dnipro Metallurgical Institute
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Conference organization

Department of steel metallurgy of National metallurgical Academy of Ukraine  during 40 years is  permanent and basic organizer and participant of the traditional International scientific and technical conference «Theory and practice of steel-smelting processes».

For the last 5 years were conducted:

-  ХІІІ  the extraordinary International scientific and technical  conference devoted  to the 90-th anniversary of founder of theory of converter   processes of steelmaking of academician V.I.Baptizmansky ;

-  ХІV the International scientific and technical conference  under the motto" of QUO VADIS metallurgy"?;

-  International scientific and technical  conference devoted to the 150-th anniversary  of full professor L.M.Fortunato, the founder and  first department manager of steel  metallurgy (1932гnewly-founded Dnepropetrovsk metallurgical institute;

-  International scientific and technical conference devoted to the 125-th anniversary of foundation  of the Dnepropetrovsk metallurgical plant named after ofG.I.Petrovsky  «Innovative technologies of metallurgical production»;

-  An international research and practice conference «Casting. Metallurgy. 2012».

 Materials of conferences were published in the specialized magazines «Metallurgical and mining industry», « Theory and practice of metallurgy».


materiali_konferentsiyi_litvo._metalurgiya_-_2022.pdf (materiali_konferentsiyi_litvo._metalurgiya_-_2022.pdf 9276 kb)

lite_metallurgiya_2017.pdf (lite_metallurgiya_2017.pdf 13210 kb)

programma_lite_2017.pdf (programma_lite_2017.pdf 1811 kb)

Casting. Metallurgy 2021 (lite._metallurgiya._2021.pdf 20958 kb)

obl_konfer_2018_01.jpg (obl_konfer_2018_01.jpg 1371 kb)

litvo__metallurgiya_2018.pdf (litvo__metallurgiya_2018.pdf 8594 kb)

lite._metallurgiya._2019.pdf (lite._metallurgiya._2019.pdf 8537 kb)

lite._metallurgiya.2020.pdf (lite._metallurgiya.2020.pdf 20466 kb)

oblozhka_Lit'e_2016.pdf (oblozhka_lite_2016.pdf 19120 kb)

sbornik_Lit'e_2016.pdf (sbornik_lite_2016.pdf 44259 kb)

Uplink: Conference