Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies



History (istoriya_kafedry-1.doc 23 kb)

History of department

The department of metallurgy of steel was formed on a base of Ekaterinoslavsky  higher  mining school (EHMS). From 1899 to 1904  academician Academy of Sciences the USSR M.A. Pavlov headed the metallurgical study of EHMS, that unites all metallurgical disciplines, conducts scientific  and production studies  in area of  steel-smelting production.

Since 1904 full professor L.M.Phortunato headed a department. He actually was the first department manager of steel metallurgy (1932г.) newly founded Dnepropetrovsk metallurgical institute.

From 1932 to 1934 professor A. Kamensky managed the department.

In 1935-1941 the development of department is related to the name of academician Academy of Sciences of  UkraineN.N.Dobrohotov, one of the greatest metallurgy scientists of country of that time.

Furthermore than 20 yearstill 1965 full professor V.I. Lapitsky who deeply developed a theory and practice of steel teeming managed a department.

A large contribution to development of educational and scientific potential of department brought correspondent member of Acedemy of sciences of  Ukraine, full prof., doctor of technical sciences V.I. Baptizmansky. He formed scientific school the «Fundamental theory and practice of steel metallurgy».

Presently a department is headed by full professor, doctor of technical sciences B.M.Boichenko.