Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

The propositions to an intrusion of scientific minings, coordinate of the implementators

Title of operation Contact to Term of operation, year Expenditures thous.grn. Economy of recourses  
1. Optimization of methods of operating mine lime-roaster furnaces on gaseous combustible

Forys S.M.


0,5 70 Saving up to 2 - 5 % of natural gas from an annual expenditure  
2. Optimization of methods of operating of boiler TES with the purpose of a decrease of consumption of natural gas

Gubynskyi M.V.


0,5 100 Saving up to 2 - 3 % of natural gas from an annual expenditure  
3. Replacement of traditional lining heating and heat-treatment furnaces on lining(liner) from fibrous refractories

Gubynskyi M.V.


1 – 1, 5 40 - 50 Decrease of expenditures of fuel in boards in twice  
4. Betterment of control systems of blending of gases and incineration of combustible in heating devices of rolling manufacture

Fedorov S.S.

1 250 Saving 3 % of fuel, abatement of expenditures of the high energy additives at a rate of 50 % from oscillations of fuel heat of a top gas  
5. Mining and intrusion of an expedient of prevention surge domain turboblowers for exception of outbursts of a blast-furnace

Fedorov S.S.

1 450 Economic benefit on one blast furnace up to 2 million grn./year  
6. Energy audit of the metallurgical operation and optimization of propellant balance

Gubynskyi M.V.


0,5 100 1-2 % of coking and natural gas on the operation  
7. The development facilities of the treatment of industrial gases, dust, using inertial scrubber with recycling irrigation water

Gubynskyi M.V.


2 – 3 50 - 100 Decrease of hydraulic resistance of gas-cleaning plants in twice at a simultaneous abatement of expenditures freshen waters  
8. Replacing of natural gas domain in lime-roaster furnaces.  

Forys S.M.

2 150 Saving up to 1300 thousand m3/year on board by productivity 200 t of lime/day  
9. The development of regenerative heating system boilers TES in order to reduce consumption of natural gas

Fedorov S.S.

2 500 Saving of natural gas up to 3000 thousandм3/year   
10. Decrease energy consumption in in the rolling mills on a lease „board - mill” at installation of screens    

Pererva V.Y.

1,5 200 Saving of natural gas up to 3-5 % from annual consumption, saving of an electrical power up to 6 %.                        

Uplink: Scientific - practical activity