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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

The basic directions of scientific activity

1.Energy-technological audit of the metallurgical operations.

2.Energy saving of technology of use of combustible on the basis of compact regenerative chambers.

3.Secondary power resources of the industrial operations.

4.Energy- and resource saving of technology in metallurgy.

5.Betterment of radiants thermal delivery of the industrial operations.

6.Examination of thermal properties of materials.

7.A thermal physics of master schedules of processing organic and mineral substances.

8.Energy use of biomass.

9.Ecological aspects combustible of use.

10.Weeding of artificial gases from a dust.

11.Energy saving of technology both inventory of manufacture and use of lime.

12. Energy-saving technologies, production equipment, the use of lime.

13. Technological use of waste gases from steelmaking converters.

14. Pulsating combustion of fuel.

15. Gas-dynamic cutoff of slag and refining of steel.

Uplink: Scientific - practical activity