Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

History of department

Department of industrial power system is one of the oldest departments in National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine. It was established in 1930 as a department of metallurgical faculty of Dnipropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute (DMetI). Sources of the organisation of preparation on specialities had outstanding scientific V.M.Makovsky - one of ancestors domestic газотурбостроения. In 1923 it had been organised the chair heating engineers created in 1929 and equipped with operating steam copper and a steam-engine thermal laboratory, from which buildings building of cases DmetI has begun. Professor V.M.Makovsky purposefully worked in area absolutely new the creation of the turbine for work on underground gas. Personally it and under its management had been developed theoretical bases газотурбинных processes: the design of the turbine also is created the installation which test has been spent in Gorlovka before the beginning of war, it is literally some days prior to its death. Since 1931 chair heating engineers the outstanding scientific heating engineer, professor K. E.Roerich, one of representatives of a world famous surname became managing. It was the expert in the field of steam coppers, the theory of regulation of steam-engines, thermodynamics. After K.E.Roerich's death in 1935 the chair was accepted then still by the senior lecturer who later has become by the professor, M.P.Belikov who worked as the main thing chief power energetics power factory of Petrovsky. Improvement of systems of development and blasting giving in blast furnaces was a direction of scientific works of M.P.Belikov. It supervised over chair prior to the beginning of war, and then with 1944 on 1961. Since 1961 chair senior lecturer E.A.Danichek - the expert in area of gidro and gas dynamics managed. Since 1961 the set on evening faculty of one group on a speciality «Industrial power system» has begun. The first release of experts in this speciality has taken place in 1967. In 1966 chair the senior lecturer, and since 1968 professor J.I. Rozengart. Professor J.I. Rozengart was the outstanding scientist-heating engineer, the initiator of researches on heating of a steel which have received development in works DMetI, the author of original design procedures of heating furnaces and their elements. Jury Iosifovich Rozengart - the author is more than 450 scientific works, including 20 textbooks and manuals, there were one of founders of the Dnepropetrovsk school metallurgical heating engineers. In 1970 the chair heating engineers has been renamed into chair of industrial power system. J.I.Rozengart managed chair till 1992 then has passed to a post of the professor. From 1992 on 2000 chair pupil J.I.Rozengarta, a Dr.Sci.Tech., professor R.G.Heifetz supervised. From 2000 to 2019 The department is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor M. Gubinsky.Since 2019 The department is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Pinchuk V.A.

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