Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Students life

God created man, but didn't patent his invention. 
Now everyone can copy it. 

   IP and project management often is the start in the world of modern market economy based on innovation and information technology, creative achievements and invention.

Students of the department of intellectual property and project management, even after the first months of study, realized how good a choice they made regarding their future profession.

It so happened that in groups ІВ-01,УП02, КН01 та в ІВ-901, УП902 there are representatives of specialties received before studying at the master's degree: metallurgists, lawyers, managers, economists, etc. Indeed, the department of IP and PМ unites its students, who are very interested in combining different professional views while studying in one group. Together, students will learn the joys of real student life!


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Uplink: Educational process