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Dnipro Metallurgical Institute
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Gres Leonid Petrovych photo

Gres Leonid Petrovych

doctor of engineering's sciences, professor



Phone : (+38095) 924-55-30 (+38096) 058-58-75

Room : Б-203

Author of 3 books, a textbook, 8 tutorials, and more than 120 scientific publications in the field of heating the blast in hot stoves (the theory of heat transfer, combustion, durability of hot stoves, energy for heating the blast, reducing harmful emissions from fuel combustion ), more than 60 inventions. Member of the Specialized Scientific Council of the Academy for doctoral and master's theses, member of the section "Energy and Energy Efficiency" Pridneprovsk Scientific Center of National Academic of Science of Ukraine Disciples: 1 Ph.D., 3 graduate students.

Academic disciplines at NMetAU:

  1. Ecology of metallurgical production.
  2. Scientific research work of the student.
  3. Industrial ecology.
  4. Utilization and destruction of industrial wastes.
  5. Discipline in the specialty.

The direction of scientific papers:
1. Increasing the temperature and duration of the hot stoves.
2. Decreasing consumption of natural gas for heating stoves by utilizing waste heat of combustion products.
3. Development of new designs stoves and their individual elements.
4. Reducing emissions in heating thermal units.

Key scientific papers:

1. Грес Л.П. Энергосбережение при нагреве доменного дутья: Монография.- Днепропетровск: Пороги, 2004.- 209 с.

2. Грес Л.П. Охрана окружающей среды при сжигании топлива.- Учебное пособие.- Днепропетровск: РИА "Днепр-VAL", 2002.- 104 с.

3. Грес Л.П. Высокоэффективный нагреве доменного дутья: Монография.- Днепропетровск: Пороги, 2008.- 492 с.

4. Грес Л.П., Карпенко С.А., Миленина А.Е.. Теплообменники доменной печи. Днепропетровск: Пороги, 2012. - 489 с.

5. Грес Л.П., Еремин А.О., Карпенко С.А., Каракаш Е.А. Энергоэффективность и защита окружающей среды: Монография.-Днепропетровск: Пороги, 2015. - 392 с.

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