dlya_zaochnikov_funktsionalnye_pokrytiya1.pdf (dlya_zaochnikov_funktsionalnye_pokrytiya1.pdf 220 kb)
robocha_programa_ta_metodichni_vkazivki.pdf (robocha_programa_ta_metodichni_vkazivki.pdf 714 kb) ( 962 kb)
uchebnik_prof._pinchuk_s.i.rar (uchebnik_prof._pinchuk_s.i.rar 1362 kb)
Методичні рекомендації ОПТИМІЗАЦІЯ КОРОЗІЙНИХ ПРОЦЕСІВ (metodichni_rekomendatsiyi_optimizatsiya_koroziynih_protsesiv.pdf 1981 kb)
Нметаллические материалы. Лаб.раб. ?3.doc (lr__no_3_nm.doc 133 kb)
Methodical instructions to performance of laboratory works on discipline "Corrosion and protection of metals" for students of all specialities (metodicheskie_ukazaniya.doc 2015 kb)
GUIDELINESto fulfill graduation projects (jobs) Bachelors the direction 6.050403 - engineering materials (metodicheskie_ukazaniya_k_vypolneniyu_diplomnogo_proekta_dlya_bakalavrov.docx 5228 kb)
Work Programme, guidance and individual tasks to the discipline "theory and coating technology" for students in 6.050403 - engineering materials (2448.rtf 3671 kb)
Methodological ukazanyya k Perform partition Orhan labor for bakalavrov (metod_bakalavr_ot.doc 178 kb)
ORGANIZATION OF QUALIFICATION Works in the National Metallurgical ACADEMY OF UKRAINE (diplom_metodichka.doc 1727 kb)
methodical instructions to the laboratory works on discipline "Physical and chemical properties of materials research methods" for students enrolled in the direction 6.050403 - Engineering Materials (lr_fhmdm.doc 11317 kb)
organizatsiya_vikonannya_vipusknih_kvalifikatsiynih_robit_2016.pdf (organizatsiya_vikonannya_vipusknih_kvalifikatsiynih_robit_2016.pdf 977 kb)
WORKING PROGRAM guidance and individual tasks for the discipline "Technology of production and processing of metals" for students in 6.050403 - Engineering Materials (metodichka_2tekst.rtf 130 kb)
robocha_programa._metodi_viprobuvan_ta_doslidzhen_koroziynih_sistem.2014.doc (robocha_programa._metodi_viprobuvan_ta_doslidzhen_koroziynih_sistem.2014.doc 86 kb)
Corrosion of metals and alloys - General Terms and Conditions (korroziya_termin1.doc 142 kb)
oborudovanie_tsehov__.docx (oborudovanie_tsehov__.docx 137 kb)
kovzik_robochaya_programma_diagnostika.docx (kovzik_robochaya_programma_diagnostika.docx 32 kb)
pinchuk_s.y._met.vk.do_vik._vip._kval._robit_bakalavriv_napr.pidg._6.050403.doc (pinchuk_s.y._met.vk.do_vik._vip._kval._robit_bakalavriv_napr.pidg._6.050403.doc 28325 kb)
Laboratory work on discipline "Diagnostics and non-destructive testing of materials and articles" for students majoring in engineering materials science 6.050403 (learning option). (laboratornye_raboty.docx 993 kb)
kovzik_robochaya_programma_proektuvannya_tsehiv.doc (kovzik_robochaya_programma_proektuvannya_tsehiv.doc 77 kb)
temi_kursovih_robit_ptspm.docx (temi_kursovih_robit_ptspm.docx 14 kb)
How to fill in pages of explanatory notes for bachelors oz. ME10-09 (primer__lbr_mkb_rbr_.doc 214 kb)
How to fill in pages of explanatory notes for bachelors oz. MВ04-09 (primer__lbr_pnb_rbr_.doc 180 kb)
Methodical instructions for independent work, a practical training and to course designing on discipline of "the Design of technological units of manufacture of anticorrosive protection" (kp_oborudovanie_protivokor._zasch.djvu 2109 kb)
Methodical instructions to academic year project performance on discipline "Technological features of protection of metals from corrosion" (mu_k_kursovomu_proektu_razrabotka_tehn._shem.djvu 837 kb)
The work program, guidance and individual tasks on the study subjects' diagnosis and flaw detection materials and products "for the students direction 6.050403 - Engineering Materials (r.p._diagnostika_i_defektoskopiya_izdeliy_i_materialov_dlya_zaochnikov.doc 257 kb)
methodical pointing and control tasks to the study of discipline "Corrosion and defence of metals" for the students of direction 0904 is metallurgy of extra-mural form of teaching (kpowmet_5595.doc 1083 kb)
EXECUTABLE CODE, methodical pointing and control tasks, is from discipline "Powder-like metallurgy" for the students of specialities: 7.090401, 7.090403 (zaochpm.doc 111 kb)
1 (teoriya_protsesiv_i_formuvannya_napilenih_pokrittiv.doc 1418 kb)
О.Д. РОЖКОВ ТЕХНОЛОГІЯ НАНЕСЕННЯ ПОКРИТТІВ Частина I (tehnologiya_nanesennya_pokrittiv._chastina_1.pdf 1354 kb)
О.Д. РОЖКОВ ТЕХНОЛОГІЯ НАНЕСЕННЯ ПОКРИТТІВ Частина II (tehnologiya_nanesennya_pokrittiv._chastina_ii.pdf 1239 kb)
metodichka_teoriya_i_tehnologiya_nanesennya_zahisnih_napilenih_pokrittiv.docx (metodichka_teoriya_i_tehnologiya_nanesennya_zahisnih_napilenih_pokrittiv.docx 29 kb)
robocha_programa_tehnologiyi_virobnitstva.docx (robocha_programa_tehnologiyi_virobnitstva.docx 28 kb)