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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Department of mechanical engineering and quality management

Igor Makhnitskyi photo

Acting head of the department : Igor Makhnitskyi


Address off. A-307, Gagarin avenue, 4, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49005


Phone: (0562) 47-18-87

The Department of Mechanical Engineering and Quality Management was created by order of the Rector and has been operating since March 2017

The order on the creation of the department provided for the creation of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Quality Management at the Nikopol Faculty of the National Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Technology. Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor I.H. was appointed acting head of the department. Makhnitskyi

The main directions of scientific research of the department are determined by the scientific interests of teachers.

Research and teaching staff of the department are preparing bachelors and masters of all specialties.

The department is constantly operating scientific and methodological seminars.