Centre of Innovation Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship
National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
English Ukrainian
  INNOVATION & COMMERCIALISATION Innovation&Commercialisation /Funding Opportunities
General Information
Research Directions
Technology Map
Technology Offers
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You can find all information about grant programs in the following links:

•  TEMPUS : http://www.tempus.org.ua/

•  FP7: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/home_en.html and http://ec.europa.eu/research/fp7

•  Opportunity Program: www.educationusa.info/centers.php

•  FULBRIGHT Program: www.fulbright.org.ua

•  Gamfri Program: http://ukrainian.ukraine.usembassy.gov/uk/humphrey.html

•  The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD): http://irex.ua/en/education/ugrad

•  The Edmund S. Muskie Graduate Fellowship Program (Muskie): http://irex.ua/en/education/muskie

•  IREX: http://www.irex.kiev.ua/ua/education

•  Konrad Adenauer Fund: http://www.kas.de/proj/home/home/47/13/webseite_id 2783/index.html

DAAD Programs: http://www.daad.org.ua/

Centre of Innovation Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Office 309, Gagarin av. 4, Dnipropetrovsk, 49600, Ukraine
Tel./Fax: +38 056 3748288, Mobile : +38 097 914 27 89, E-mail: cicecentre@gmail.com