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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Awards in the thesis competition! Congratulations to students and supervisors!

Awards in the thesis competition! Congratulations to students and supervisors!

The Allukrainian contest of diploma works of students of higher educational establishments was conducted on the base of the Kharkov National Auto-Road  University on April, 23, 2020 by the department of economy and enterprise .

Department of economy and entrepreneurship named after of T.G.Ben` congratulates winners!

The diploma of III of degree of Dushina A., supervisor professor Dovbnya S.B.

Certificate in a nomination "For grounded theoretical research" Shishkina N., supervisor docent Ігнашкіна Т.Б.

Certificate in a nomination "For evident presentation of results of research" Gorb Ye., supervisor docent Гулик Т.В.


Economics and Entrepreneurship named after T. G. Ben`