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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Competitions on the CNC Interpipe TechFest 2019

      On October 7-9 on the territory of the Upipe Training Center together with NTU "Dniprovska Polytechnica" master classes were held in preparation for the competition for work on CNC machine tools. The training was provided by the teacher of NTU "Dneprovskaya Polytechnic" Vitaliy Derbaba, employees of DITC "Contact" Oleg Chernov, Roman Kravtsov and Sergey Martynenko, an employee of the company Twist engineering Sergey Kulik. Students attended short courses in CNC machine tools and metal cutting tools, as well as software used in the competition. An excursion to the Interpipe plant and DITC "Contact" was also conducted. And on October 19-20, 2019, competitions on CNC machine tools were held in Dnipro within Interpipe TechFest 2019. Students solved theoretical problems and performed a practical task - they designed a control program for a CNC machine. The first place in the league of higher educational institutions was taken by the student of the group IM-01-14m Oleg Mitko (coach of the team of NMetAU senior lecturer of the department of TM Victor Laskin). The staff of the department congratulates the winner and wishes him creative success in performing and defending his master's work, and the practical use of the knowledge obtained during his studies at the academy in later life.








Department of Technology of Machine Building