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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Project "Ukraine-Norway"

"I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become."

Karl Gustav Jung

This statement can be used to describe the training conducted by the expert / trainer Ivan Ivanov ( at NMAU on November 19 for the students of the fall semester of professional education “Energy management” and social adaptation of military personnel, ATO participants and their families within the framework of the Ukraine-Norway project. More information.


Ivanov Ivan, involved all participants in the dialogue and revealed their interest, including:

- Effective management and the role of energy efficiency in modern companies.

- Practical issues of employment - writing a resume, self-presentation, behavior and communication during the interview.

- Questions of the psychology of happiness and changes in life attitudes.

The participants identified the key competencies that they needed to have to develop their potential and their individual style, and also figured out which direction to go in order to develop their abilities to achieve life goals.

The training was very motivating, positive, interesting and accessible to perception.

According to the great desire of listeners, our communication with Ivan in the fall semester does not end there. Additionally, we plan to hold one more meeting to get new practical knowledge from a great coach!

Thanks to Ivan for the fruitful training and the students for their active work!


Reference: "Ukraine-Norway" project is implemented with the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in partnership with NMAU, Nord Universit and International Foundation for Social Adaptation

