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Dnipro Metallurgical Institute
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Student olympiad QForm-2018

Student olympiad QForm-2018

To the attention of students studying at metal forming speciality!

We invite you to take part in the next International Student Olympiad by modeling of metal forming processes in  program packet QForm!
The events will be held in April 2018 simultaneously in several technical universities of different countries in the form of a network (distributed) Olympiad. The main stage of the Ukrainian competition will be held on the basis of the Metal Forming Department named by acad. O. P. Chekmarev NMetAU (Dnipro, Ukraine).


The best works of the Ukrainian Olympiad will be directed to the final stage of the International Olympiad.

Assistance in the preparation: to prepare for the Olympiad, the universities that submitted the application (not having a modern version of the software - QForm VX 8.2.4) will receive a free network license of the specified software for 3 workstations for 3 months, which can be activated at any time, but not later than a month before the start of the Olympiad. Together with the license, methodological materials for studying software will be provided.

Responsible for holding the Ukrainian stage of the Olympics: Assoc.Prof. V.V.Andreev.


Department of metal forming