Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

About changing the status of the Center

According to the decision of the Academic Council of USUNT (protocol dated 04/03/2024 No. 8) and on the basis of the university's order dated 04/10/2024 No. 20, the status of the Nikopol Regional Center for Monitoring Education and Social Partnership was changed from a structural unit of the university to an auxiliary unit (on public fundamentals) as part of the Nikopol faculty of USUNT.


To the attention of entrants of the faculty - 2021

Registration for the 2021 External Independent Evaluation will begin on February 1 and run until March 5. This term is established by the calendar plan for the preparation and conduct of the External Evaluation in 2021, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated 30.09.2020 №1210.

Until April 30, 2021, registered participants will be able to download invitations-passes from their information pages, which will indicate the time and place of testing.

The main session of the external independent evaluation will take place according to the following schedule:

May 21 - chemistry,
May 24 - Spanish, German, French,
May 25 - English,
May 28 - mathematics, mathematics (standard level tasks),
June 1 - Ukrainian language, Ukrainian language and literature,
June 4 - history of Ukraine,
June 7 - Physics,
June 10 - Biology,
June 15 - geography.
The results of the external independent evaluation will be posted on the information pages of the EIT participants by June 30.

Participation in the main session of the EIT is free. Each participant has the right to take tests in no more than 5 subjects.

The content of certification works will correspond to the programs of external independent evaluation approved by the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of June 26, 2018 №696, of December 20, 2018 №1426, of December 4, 2019 №1513.

Read more about the features and course of EIT 2021 on a special page of the UTSOYAO website.

It will be recalled that Minister of Education and Science Serhiy Shkarlet stressed that external independent evaluation is the main tool for high-quality and impartial admission to higher education institutions in Ukraine.

SOURCE: Official site of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine


National test for digital literacy News icon

The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine has launched a national test for digital literacy of citizens “Tsifrogram” on the online platform Diya.Tsifrova Ovita. The test is an adapted analogue of the European digital competence system for citizens DigComp 2.1., Adapted by Ukrainian "experts". Despite the shortcomings (the result of passing the test is more motivational than qualifying), answering the test questions (90 questions) can help identify gaps in certain aspects of digital literacy. Based on the test results, a final (average) score is set and a certificate of passing the test is issued, which can be downloaded from the portal and saved on your computer. To start testing, you need to register on the portal, for example, using your Google account.

In addition, a number of educational series (basic digital skills, digital literacy for teachers and many others in relevant areas) are hosted on the same platform, which can help increase digital competence. Access to resources is free.






For entrants






Diploma News icon
