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Dnipro Metallurgical Institute
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Щиро вітаємо студентів, молодих учених кафедри, а також їх наукових керівників

We sincerely congratulate students, young scientists of the department, as well as their supervisors on receiving diplomas for the best reports in the subsection "Management and Administration" at the

All-Ukrainian Scientific and Technical Conference of Students and Young Scientists

"Science and sustainable development of transport"


-Diploma of I degree to A.V. Klymenkov (student. MN01-24) for the report "Organizational structures of Google"(supervisor - Assoc. Prof. Lysenko T.I.).

- Diploma I degree Dyachenko I.O. (student. MN01-22) for the report "Benefits of planning your own time"(supervised by Associate Professor Vyshnevska M.K.).

-Diploma I degree Tarasov E.O. ( student gr. MN903-23m) for the report "Theoretical approaches to the interpretation of innovative management of health care institutions" (Head of the Department of Medicine, Assoc, Associate Professor Shportko G.Y.).


-Diploma II degree Borodin O.O. (student gr. MN01-24m) for the report on "Modern methods of motivation of managerial personnel at Ukrainian enterprises"(supervisor: Associate Professor Kramarenko A.V.).

-Diploma II degree Vyshnevskyi B.I. (student gr. MN01-24m) for the report on "Innovations in the field of foreign economic activity management"(supervised by Associate Professor Vyshnevska M.K.).

-Diploma II degree Lysenko A.S. (postgraduate student of the department) for the report "Key features of the concept of lean production and their application in modern conditions in Ukraine"(supervisor Prof. M.A. Myronenko).


-Diploma III degree Ulyanov I.V. (student gr. MN03-23m) for the report on "Marketing strategies to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises"(supervisor - Assoc. Prof. Kramarenko A.V.).


Department of Management and Administration