Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Міжнародна науково-технічна конференція студентів і молодих учених «Молода академія-24»

We sincerely congratulate students, young scientists of the department, as well as their supervisors on receiving diplomas for the best reports in the subsection "Management and Administration" at

International scientific and technical conference of students and young scientists "Young Academy-24"


  • Diploma I degree DedykD.G. (student group MN03-23m) for the report "Development of a strategic vision of the enterprise" (Curator: Associate Professor G.Y. Shportko).

  • Diploma of the I degree of VeremienkoV.V. (student group MN03-23m) for the report "Management of inventory at the enterprise" (Curator: Associate Professor H.Y. Shportko).

  • Diploma I degree Lysenko A.S. (postgraduate student of the Department of Management and Administration) for the report "Key features of the concept of lean production and their application in modern conditions in Ukraine" (Head of the Department: Associate Professor M.A. Myronenko).

  • Diploma II degree PuzanovE.O. (student group MN01-23m) for the report "Personnel Management in the Organization" (Head of the Department: Associate Professor M.K. Vyshnevska).

  • Diploma II degree Golubenko V.Y. (student group MN01-20) for the report "Promotion of the company's products through events" (supervised by Associate Professor Lysenko T.I.).

  • Diploma of the III degree of GaponoV.M. (student group MN01-21) for the report "Marketing of innovative goods" (Chief Associate ProfessorUsichenkoI.V.).
  • Diploma of the III degree Salo M.A. (student group MN01-21) for the report "Customer Relationship Management in the Enterprise Marketing System" (Head of the Department: Associate Professor I.V. Usichenko).


Department of Management and Administration