Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Dmytro Kozenkov photo

Dmytro Kozenkov

Department manager

candidate of economical science, professor



Phone : (+38056) 3748326

Room : Б-510

Graduated from the Faculty of Engineering and Economics of the Dnipro Metallurgical Institute (1982).

He completed his postgraduate studies at the Department of Production Organization and Planning at the Moscow Metallurgical Institute (1989). During his time at NMetAU, he held the positions of junior researcher, researcher, assistant, and associate professor.

Head of the Department of Management at NMetAU since 2001.

D. in Economics (1993), Associate Professor (1997), Professor of IAPM (2003),

He was awarded the "Excellence in Education of Ukraine" badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2005), the "Merit to the Academy" badge of the first degree (2008), the Certificate of Honor of the Chairman of the Dnipropetrovs'k Regional Council (2010), and the "Scientific and Educational Achievements" badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2013).

He has been teaching at the Academy for about 30 years.

He is the author of more than 300 scientific and methodological works, including (co-authored) 8 monographs (Improvement of evaluation and remuneration of specialists of scientific and production organizations, 1994; Innovative development and human potential: Evaluation and Stimulation, 2004; Procesy Logistychne w systemie wytwarzania, 2005; Personnel Decision Making at an Industrial Enterprise, 2009; Logistic Approach to Management of Production Systems, 2009; Organization of the flow production processes at metallurgical plant, 2011; Development of Control system by industrial enterprises, 2012; Risks in investment activity of industrial enterprises, 2013) and 8 textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Budget Management, 2010; Labor standardization at ferrous metallurgy enterprises, 2011; Insurance services, 2012; Labor economics and social and labor relations, 2012; International management, 2012; International credit, settlement and currency transactions, 2013; Fundamentals of management, 2014; Psychology of management, 2014), a participant in more than 40 collective monographs (2004-2015).

His research interests include problems of economics, organization and management of industrial enterprises.

He has trained 3 PhDs.


Information in the Google Academy database.