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Dnipro Metallurgical Institute
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies



Rudnitsky Lev Samuilovich was born on December, 27, 1920 in village Holmets of Rechitskiy area of Gomel region (Belarus). In 1945 graduated Dnepropetrovsk metallurgical institute (DMetI) on speciality “metallurgy of ferrous metals”. Candidate of technical sciences (in 1955), associate professor (in 1959), doctor of technical sciences (in 1984), professor (in 1987). Laureate of premium of Council of Ministers of USSR (in 1985). From 1938 to 1941 worked as technician of departament of foundry manufacture of DmetI, and from 1941 to 1942 - was in ranks of Red army. After wound and treatment since 1942 worked as senior technician in Magnitogorsk mining-metallurgical institute and since 1944 - as engineer of departament of foundry manufacture of DMetI. In 1946-1958 works as younger scientific employee, assistant and senior scientific employee, since 1958 - associate professor, and since 1986 to 1993 has occupied the post of professor of the same departament. Worked over problems of increase of quality, operational resistance of forming rolls and improvement of technological processes of their manufacture. Has developed theoretical bases of a slag mode of fusion,overheatingand outfurnace treatment of rolling melts. One of founders of scientific school of roll-founders of our country. Many years read lectures to students-founders on questions of theory of fusion and alloying of ferricarbonic alloys, casting in metal and in combined moulds. Has 20 copyright certificates on inventions and over 150 published proceedings. Died on February, 5, 2000 in Dnepropetrovsk. Basic published works: Krivosheev A.E., Rudnitsky L.S. Increase of resistance of sheet rolls / Steel.-1953.-№6. - Pages 547-555; Rudnitsky L.S., Goldstein L.B. Influence of modifying on quality of massive cast iron castings / Foundry manufacture. - 1967. - №7. - Pages 36-37; Voronova N.A., Rudnitsky L.S., Krivosheev V.A., Budagjants N.A. Complex alloying of rolling cast iron / Collection Thermodynamics, physicalkinetics, structurization and properties of cast iron and steel. - M.: Metallurgy, 1971. –vol. 4. - Pages 433-436; Rudnitsky L.S. Criterions of an estimation of service properties of cast iron rolls / Steel.-1978. - №5. - Pages 444-448; Krivosheev A.E., Rudnitsky L.S. Casting of cast iron rolls and shaft. Manual on cast iron casting. - Leningrad: Mechanical engineering, 1978. - Pages 568-582; Rudnitsky L.S. Influence of activity FeO slag on quality of cast iron for rolls / Foundry manufacture. - 1978. - №12. - Pages 5-6.


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