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Dnipro Metallurgical Institute
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies



 From history of department

Department of foundry manufacture has been created in 1930 as a result of merge of structural units of this specialization of Dnepropetrovsk evening metallurgical institute, Don polytechnical institute and metallurgical faculty of Dnepropetrovsk state institute. In creation of scientific-pedagogical collective and increase of its professional level the big help had been rendered by professors M.P.Bezuglov, V.N.Svechnikov, S.I.Telnyj, N.I. Dobrohotov. During the period from 1930 to 1937 department was headed by professor A.A.Bulgakov, in 1938-1941 - associate professor S.N.Sosnovsky. Thirty three years, from 1943 to 1976, head of department was laureate of the State premiumdoctor of technical sciences, professor A.E.Krivosheev. During the period from 1976 to 1982 - associate professor G.E.Belay, and since 1982 to 2000 it was headed bydoctor of technical sciences, professor N.P.Koteshov. Nowadays department is headed bydoctor of technical sciences, professor V.E.Hrychikov. As early as in 1932 it was created scientific-research group of rollingrollsunder management ofА.Е.Krivosheyev. During the period from 1932 to 1941 bases of technological processes of melting of cast iron in cupola furnaces, flaming and shaking open-hearth furnace have been developed. In the same years there were started developments of theory of profiling, mould formation and manufacturing of metal moulds for casting of bleachedrollswith grooves with complicated profile. During the war employees of department participated in organization and development of manufacture of casted cast iron and steel rolls onММК. It was developed mutualcentralized metal mould-flask equipment, which provides the prevention of formation of spoilage of rolls on skews and cracks. At development of moulding of steel rolls onММК the task was in possible faster liberation of forging- pressing facilities from manufacturing of forged rolls for more effective employment of these facilities in manufacture of military equipment and ammunition. During carrying out of these works there had been forming a school of native rollfounders. Especially fruitfully it has started up the work at restoration of Lutugin and Dnepropetrovsk plants of rollingrolls, development of new manufacture on Kuvshinsk plant of rolling rolls. At the end of 40th the departament simultaneously with workers ofКПИ,ЦНИИТМаш,ИПЛ, etc. has started researches on bases of theory and tecknology of manufacture of rolling rolls,calenderand other shafts from cast iron with spherical graphite. Nowadays castings of this kind with weight 1-75 tons produces in plenty onrollfoundryand machine-building plants and widely exploits in many industries of countries CIS and far abroad. Departament of foundry manufacture is unique in Ukraine, which purposefully prepares specialists for rollfoundry plants of Lutugino and Dnepropetrovsk. These plants not only in Ukraine, but also in countries of near abroad are unique suppliers of rolls and shafts for modern sheet- and tube-rolling mills of all countries of CIS, for paper-making,mechanical rubber, flour-grinding and paint and varnish manufactures. Department has a subject audience by the name of A.E.Krivosheev equipped with the modern projective and multimedia equipment, laboratories of moulding materials and mixes,moulding-melting, art and stomatologic casting, etc. On laboratory base of department besides carrying out of educational process it is realizes fulfilment of contractual and state budgetary research works. On department there are also specialized laboratories and settings for carrying out of scientific-research works and scientific-research works of students semi-industriallaboratory of centrifugal casting, laboratory of high-temperature thermal analysis of foundry materials and alloys, equipment for modelling of hydrodynamical processes of filling of moulds. Today department is large unit of academy with high scientific and pedagogical potential, which successfully decide actual problems of foundry manufacture, annually filling up the industrial enterprises with qualified engineering and scientific staff, organizers of manufacture. 

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