Centre of Innovation Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship
National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
English Ukrainian
  ENTREPRENEURSHIP Entrepreneurship / Activities
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The main target of the CICE is a comprehensive entrepreneurship support among youth. The basic emphasis is on the possibility of the development and application of knowledge , skills and competence in business matters . The priority is to ensure the best contact between students and entrepreneurs , " academic world" and professional environment . The important point in the development of the CICE is to focus on providing knowledge and skills to help start own business without significant initial investment.

The activities, established for the CICE in the frame of the “Entrepreneurship” section are:

- coordination of the efforts of NMAU structures responsible for support of entrepreneurship (R&D sector, faculties, departments, laboratories etc);

- monitoring of the demands of industry/business and feeding it back to the research activities as well as to the curriculum development which should result in:

•  significant increasing of the volume and improved quality of applied research;

•  enhanced role of entrepreneurship in the curricula (MSc and BSc level);

•  wider engagement of university staff in providing up-to-date courses to meet the needs of LLL audience in knowledge of entrepreneurship.

- assistance in creation of spin-offs by advice, supervision, providing office facilities and premises in NMAU;

- enhancing the level of awareness in the society at large of the importance of entrepreneurship through publicity and media, fairs, round table discussions etc.;

- conducting regular meetings with businessmen and representatives of the companies.

The CICE develops, organizes and conducts practical courses, seminars and workshops in different directions so that students may acquire necessary skills.

Besides we are seeking to give knowledge, which will help the students to start their own private business, even with a small initial capital.

Centre of Innovation Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Office 309, Gagarin av. 4, Dnipropetrovsk, 49600, Ukraine
Tel./Fax: +38 056 3748288, Mobile : +38 097 914 27 89, E-mail: cicecentre@gmail.com