Centre of Innovation Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship
National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
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  INNOVATION & COMMERCIALISATION Innovation&Commercialisation / Technology map
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Technology Map of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

Technology Maps are used to assist in making strategic decisions on replacement or control of existing technologies. A Technology Map shows:

- the existing technology, what it is used for and how it is used;

- available options for replacement and control;

- current status of these options in commercial applications;

- technologies under development or being evaluated;

- technologies that have been implemented, where and by whom;

- what gaps remain.


Centre of Innovation Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Office 309, Gagarin av. 4, Dnipropetrovsk, 49600, Ukraine
Tel./Fax: +38 056 3748288, Mobile : +38 097 914 27 89, E-mail: cicecentre@gmail.com