Centre of Innovation Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship
National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
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The main science trends:

•  Theoretical concepts of modern production technologies and agglomeration of iron smelting raw materials;

•  Physical chemistry of the materials manufacturing processes

•  The theory of metallurgical processes;

•  Theoretical and applied metallurgy;

•  Theory and practice of metallurgy of steel;

•  Highly efficient processes of powder metallurgy and anticorrosion protection of metals;

•  Theory and technology of electro-production;

•  Metallurgy of steels and alloys for special purposes;

•  Theory and practice of foundry;

•  Metallurgical heat engineering and thermal physics, industrial combined heat and power;

•  Theory and technology of metal forming;

•  Thermal and deformation-heat treatment of steels;

•  Manufacturing Engineering;

•  Information technology and systems;

•  Industrial Economics.


Centre of Innovation Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Office 309, Gagarin av. 4, Dnipropetrovsk, 49600, Ukraine
Tel./Fax: +38 056 3748288, Mobile : +38 097 914 27 89, E-mail: cicecentre@gmail.com